Man, this Giblet is one hell of a persistent character!
The man who is very against our G&G is now whacking our locks on the gates.
Here is what happened.
Last Thursday, 5 November 2009, a couple, who are residents from our area were taking their usual stroll around our kampung in the morning.
When they were walking towards the small gate entrance near the HSBC Bank, they saw Giblet hammering away the lock on the gate. It did not take this man long to 'kill' the lock as he was 'giving' it his all. I really pity the lock lah! Kena kau kau from him. Koyak maximum as a result of Giblet's 'abuse'.
Needless to say, the poor couple were horrified at his intensity and pent up anger! They went to report to the guards, who of course did not confront him. The guards have been instructed by the Committee as not to antogise such people if they were to come across such situations and that potentially they may be in harms way. They are to merely obeserve and report as quickly as possible of such situations.
Anyway, after giving the lock a good whack and losing quite a few calories in the process, Giblet calmed down. He then spoke to the couple, justifying his actions. He complained about the G&G and the inconvenience that came with it and that we do not have the right to put up such barricade and that we have all broken the law, blah, blah, blah!
But if he is is so gung-ho about the law, perhaps he should help us do something to reduce crime. For instance, he could organise a 'round table talk' with the crooks and have a chat with them about the law! These crooks also break the law mah, Giblet. So how?
If you want to talk about law then do the right thing and channel your energy to help us rid of this crime scourge and in return, we promise to then take everything down. That way, we all become good law abiding citizens just like you!
Anyway, folks, sad to inform you that the badly mutilated 'lock' did not make it. Funeral services for the poor 'lock' will be held in our vincinity soon! Not sure if we should invite that dude, Giblet...!
A concern citizen from the Committee
Why does this Giblet fellow thinks that he has the right to vandalize the lock? It seems to me like a thief is trying to gain entry into your community. Please report to USJ 8 police station. Giblet is a law-breaker, and a lock-breaker.
Dear Committee,
We shouldn't let this kind of selfish people be a hindrance to our safe enviroment now, not after all the hard work put in. Keep up the good work.
Committed subscriber.
This morning (Sunday), one of our Committee was walking along the same location. As he was near the same gate, there was a young Malay couple there who were trying to get to the outside of our perimeter. Finding the gate locked, the girl complained to the guy and without hesitation, he gave it a good kick. Now, the gate is damaged. Our Committee member who normally is a very subdued person confronted the young man and gave him a piece of his mind. Such as the kind of people we have in our community. Perhaps, we should recommend them to go back to school.
Giblet's house is in USJ 3/2 and had recently had his back row gated. He was boasting to everyone that now he can let his dog run free.
The big joke is when he tried collecting money for the gate and everyone on his row turn him down. In fact someone has reported to MPSJ that he did not get permit for having the gate erected.
This Giblet guy practise double standard lah.
Dear David,
Please let me know his address and I will do return him the favour by whacking his gate.
Double standard indeed. He is a creep!
Giblet should go back to school and learn to not vandalize properties! Maybe he didn't learn the subject Moral back in his school days. For all we know, he might have flunked Moral!
Everytime I pass by his restaurant, I see he always pukul lalat. (scroll down for definition) I will only wait for the day 'DineOut' cap lak. When that day comes, I will light firecrackers!
An eye for an eye, let's get our hammers and hit his head!!
pukul lalat = no one pong chang
~> Takziah to the lock!
Dear Giblet
If u want to get famours on this web site , then sorry , u have done the wrong things to get popular .
What wrong with you !!!
You want to have gated at your house area but you complaint about USJ 11/3 gated ???
May I know your DINE OUT P&L for the pass 12 month ?
How long you still can continue ?
Really concern your your investment .
Any how , good luck .
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