"Together - Let us keep our neighborhood safe"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Deepavali is here again - Make it a happy one!

Dear Residents,

The fresh smell of curry and spices filled the air and the sounds of pots and the cluttering of pans broke the morning silence. Chatters between the women folks filled the silent gaps.

That was the atmosphere a few days ago in Mrs. Mages's house. They were busy preparing the goodies for this Saturday - the day of the Festival of Lights, Deepavali. And that scene is probably repeated in our Indian's friend's homes all over USJ 11/3 and elsewhere.

It is time for rejoice and family get-together, catching up with friends or just indulge in all the goodies.

So, on behalf of the Committee, we would like to wish our Indian friends in our kampung and elsewhere a "Happy Deepavali"!

Best wishes,

The Committee
11 Trees @ USJ

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