Dear Residents,
I am extracting two comments related to our Security measures in USJ 11/3 which I thought will be good to be shared by all. I have also replied to the comments made by these two residents. Please do read the following.
The Editor
Comment # 1:
Thank you for the prompt action taken to increase security. I understand that all these are for our own sake, but shouldn't everyone be bounded by the same restrictions? It has been more than a month since the small gate near USJ11/3D is closed, and I have been diligently using another gate though it means longer route and extra time. I have been accepting this fact though at times frustrated especially when I am running late. However, recently I realized that some residents (perhaps committee members) do have keys to the lock. On the morning of 26th July, I found the gate unlocked with no one guarding it. I couldn't think of another reason other than someone with the keys has conveniently use them and forget to lock it back. While I am not asking for the gate to be reopened, but if selected few could have the keys to use the gate, wouldn't it be unfair for the other paying residents?
Our Reply:
Dear sir/madam,
Thank you for highlighting this matter. Please do understand that the Committeee members do not do this full time and there will be inherent flaws that may come about due to many reasons which may have been overlooked. The best thing to do in this case is to get in touch with the Street Leader concerned . If you do not get the response you need kindly escalate the matter to any of the Committee members. Their contacts are all published in earlier postings.
Comment # 2:
I am a 17 year old college girl. And don't think just because I am still a teenager my opinion does not matter. I have been living here for more then 15 years. And can I say after the whole gate and guarded thing, I am a little annoyed? No. I am extremely angry and annoyed. No doubt, the whole "gate and guarded" did make our usj11/3 more safer. The crime rates went down as well. Thank you very much. But do you know how much inconveniance it causes others? First of all, the small gates. "Thank God they have small gates!" I thought to myself when the fence came up. Maybe it would not be as easy to go out as it was last time, but it doesn't matter, all it takes is a few more steps and wallah! I reach the small gates.But now apparently, the gates are locked at 9pm. Ok, this is the part where I am EXTREMELY pissed off about. Every damn small gate in the neighborhood is locked at 9pm. I am a teenager, and naturally, I have a social life, so I go alot at night. And the worst part is, I live at usj11/3A. So I have to walk all the way to the guardhouse just to get out of the neighborhood. And yes, I know I know, its because they were a few houses that had a break in thats why the "locked the gates at 9pm" rule came out. But do you know how much inconveniance it causes others. And trust me, all of my friends that is living in usj11/3 feels the same way too. And your probably going to shoot the whole "there is a key for the small gates, and all I have to do is stop complaining and order them" thing at me right? Well, I tell you, I ordered the key. But until now, my key has not arrive. Did I pay? Damn right I did.
So now after 10 or is it 11 pm? I dont know. The ONLY entrance to usj11/3 is the gate infront of the shop lots. I am EXTREMELY pissed off at this aswell. What if one day someone had a stroke or something, and the ambulance was called, but when the ambulance reached usj11/3 it took atleast 5 minutes to try to locate the entrance. And by the time it reaches the person's house. Its too late. Just so you know Mr or Mrs, whoever that is incharge here, "Every second counts." And plus, I think somewhere in the law, it is illegal to block all entrances like that. I don't know weather its true, but my dad said it.
The third thing is, the guards are slugballs. I'm trying to find a word to describe them that is not so offensive. So slugballs it is. Everytime I walk pass some of them, they would blow wistles and say "Amoi. Balik rumah ah Ah Moi?". Its disgusting and disrespectful. And some of your comeback would probably be "It must be the way this girl is wearing lahh. She must have shown to much skin. Stupid girl, bring it on to herself and try to blame us."
Well I tell you, everytime I walk pass them, is when I am walking back from school.(last year) So technically I am in school uniform, and I always wear baju kurung (eventhough I am a chinese). And I dont think that is showing off too much skin. Infact, there is nothing to see in a baju kurung uniform. They are the guards, shouldn't they be protecting us instead of making us feel so uncomfortable?
And mind you, not all of them are like that. Just the ones that are guarding at the small gates infront of MPSJ in the afternoon. That's all I have to say. And by the way, everything that is posted here, is not from me only.
Our Reply:
Dear Miss 17 Year Old College girl,
Thank you for your comments. You are correct in saying that your opinion does matter (even though you are only 17). After all, you are a resident in USJ 11/3 and that technically makes you part of our community.
I would like you to understand first and foremost, that the Committee members/Street Leaders, are just like you and me. Not some "Mr or Mrs who is in charge here..." as you have described us as if we are some "invaders" from some other planet. We are ALL residents here in USJ 11/3 who have a common interest - our safety. And in order to make our area as safe as possible, inevitably, we will have to deal with some inconveniences. This may come as a surprise to you but these inconveniences also applies equally to us all in the Committee as well.
Basically you are showing a lot of frustrations in your comments but that is understandable. But please ask yourself this - did you try to speak to any of the Committee members or Street Leaders about these issues? Their names and contacts are all published in earlier postings and they are friendly approachable people. Did you at least attempt to call any of them to share your concerns with them?
Constructive feedbacks from you and everyone else are important for us to do things right. We are residents, not some professional security companies, hence do expect flaws along the way. We do not do this all the time as all of us have regular jobs like your parents.
From your mail, I can identify three problems:
1. The locked small gates are posing problems to you - I suggest you get in touch with your Street Leader immediately so that it can be brought up in our regular meetings to be addressed and resolved.
2. The keys - again, please get in touch with your Street Leaders. If you have made payment, there is no reason why you were not given the key although this idea of issuing keys did not really work well.
3. The bad behaviour of the guards - please note down time and date and also if possible names of the guards. If you have a cellphone with a camera - take a photo of that guard and send it to us. We will take this up with the security company. They are employed to take care of our area so if they get out of line, we will do something about it. But judging from your complaint, chances are they are not our guards but guards from MPSJ.
The thing is, you are getting all worked up over such issues for nothing. Rather than calling names (slugball? - not cool) and getting "pissed off" (double not cool) why not just behave like a young adult and address it accordingly (and that is how you want to be treated right?). No need to express it like what you have done in your comment (words like "pissed off" several times).
Since you appreciate the crime rate has come down, I would like you to think about this. You are right about the safety thing after we have implemented our G&G. Imagine, now you are upset over some "cat calls" from the guards but what would happen if something more serious were to happen to you?
Like criminals breaking into your home and raping you and/or harming your family members? Do not for a moment think that this is not a possibility as there are much worst (what do you call them?) "slugballs" out there who are quite capable of carrying out such henious crimes!
So while we want to talk about the law being broken and emergency vehicles getting delayed in responding to emergencies and all that, would it not be fair to say that sometimes the law does not work to our advantage and that something needs to be done about it?
For example, lately there has been a lot of protest to the ISA. In this case, it does not mean that just because the law is there, it should be blindly abided. Rather because it appears to have inherent flaws, it should be challenged instead.
Now, would it not be logical for us to ask it for the present law towards the G&G be changed if it worked against us in terms of our safety? The government is in fact reviewing this G&G phenomena from the legal perspective. You must have read it as it was in the papers recently.
Anyway, I appreciate and would like to thank you for your comment again. You are a bright teenager growing into a young adult. Soon, in turn we hope, you too, can contribute to our safety and the safety of our community in the future as we, the present Committee members, look forward to the day when we can hand all these responsibilities to young adults like you.