"Together - Let us keep our neighborhood safe"

Saturday, July 19, 2008

USJ 11/3 Resident's Meet

Saturday July 12, 2008
Residents of USJ 11/3 want gated community

RESIDENTS of USJ 11/3 in Subang Jaya want their housing area gated because of the increasing crime rate in the area.

The residents agreed on the proposal following a one-day community gathering to discuss “Let's fight crime together” in their area.

Joint effort:
Newly-elected representives for the USJ 11/3 filling in their details during the 'Let's fight crime together' campaign.

According to residents association pro tem chairman Ng Peng Hin, a 48-year-old business manager, the gated community proposal has received good support as it is an effective way to contain and deter crime.

However, USJ 8 police station officer-in-charge Foo Teik Fong pointed out that there were too many gates and access roads in USJ 11, thus proper planning and implementation were needed for a gated community.

“There should be a 100% agreement among the residents as problems may arise later when it comes to the collection of fees to pay for the gated community security,” Foo said when addressing the residents during the gathering at the USJ 11/3 playground.

“Even if 70% of the residents agree, it will still pose a problem between those who pay and those who refuse to,” he said.

Foo said a better method was for neighbouring residents to look out for each other.

According to the statistics, 20 crime cases happened in USJ 11/3 in the first half of this year, about three cases a month. They comprised eight car thefts, four snatch thefts and eight break-ins.

Foo said the targeted houses were those without lights at night.

Cars parked in dark places, far away from the houses, are also easy targets.

“Most of the break-ins occur between noon and 6pm when people are out working, leaving the house empty,” Foo said.

He advised the residents to call the police if they saw suspicious characters or cars in their neighbourhood.

Foo cited an example: “Two days ago someone called the police to report about robbers entering their neighbour's house. We arrived within five minutes and arrested two suspects.”

A housewife, who only wished to be identified as Aida, is a neighbour of the resident whose house was almost broken-in.

Aida said although the police came quickly and managed to catch the suspects, she was still concerned for the security in the neighbourhood.

“I agree with the plan for a gated community, I hope we can get a 100% support,” she said.

Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh, who was present at the gathering, said the laws on gated and guarded community had to be reviewed.

“I've raised this issue in the state assembly, saying that we need a definite law on the gated and guarded community,” she said.

“The Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) is reluctant to approve the gated community concept as only the police are authorised to put up barricades. Thus, a 100% agreement among the residents is needed,” Yeoh said.

“Some residents do not agree as they are not willing to pay. It's not fair when those who do not want to pay are also enjoying the services. And when those who are paying hear of that, they may end up not paying as well,” she said.

A homemaker, who only wanted to be known as Lynn Tan, said the police had to be more effective in preventing crime.

“My neighbour's husband was robbed and killed,” she said. “We're getting to the point of paranoia.”


Committee Members


Mr. Ng Peng Hin
54, USJ 11/3F, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-333 1859
email: ng.peng.hin@umw.my

Vice Chairman
Shahrul Faiz Mohd Aziz
56, USJ 11/3F, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-353 2453
email: shahrul@sapuracrest.com.my

Jeffrey Khoo
31, USJ 11/3K, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-215 1571
email: dj.jeffkhoo@gmail.com

Vice Treasurer
Chan Chee Chin
38, USJ 11/3M, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-233 1206
email: chanchee.chin@gmail.com

Bakri Sawir
51, USJ 11/3K, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-380 0642/5637 4378
email: bsawir@gmail.com

Vice Secretary
Gan You Lam
52, USJ 11/3L, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-373 7013/5634 8204
email: tonnygan@gmail.com

Committee Members:
Row 3A
Datuk Faridah
81, USJ 11/3A, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-382 8740/5632 6896
email: faridah@arash.com.my

Row 3B
Vellu A/L Sinnakucandai
66, USJ 11/3B, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-689 0805/5638 2905
email: vellu_49@yahoo.com

Row 3C
Abdul Aziz Mohd Awal
28, USJ 11/3C, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-645 0253
email: azeusj3@yahoo.co.uk

Row 3D
Yong Yu Loong
53, USJ 11/3D, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-383 3198/5637 9198
email: yong_yl@yahoo.com

Row 3E
Liew Kim Yen
39, USJ 11/3E, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-223 7188
email: liewky@sunway.com.my

Row 3F
48, USJ 11/3F, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-265 9098/5635 2168
email: sivaneshwaran.ramalingam@heidelberg.com

Row 3G
Adrian Nathan
9, USJ 11/3G, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-649 9397/5637 3732
email: Mnadrian5@gmail.com

Row 3K
Lee Tick Seng
23, USJ 11/3K, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-316 2977
email: leetickseng@treasury.gov.my

Row 3L
Leong Choon Heng
53, USJ 11/3L, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-718 5712
email: chleong@must.edu.my

Row 3M
Michael Chow
6, USJ 11/3M, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-209 9782/5636 9832
email: mikechow61@gmail.com

Row 3N
Irene Chong Kim Song
61, USJ 11/3N, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 017-275 8126/5632 8773
email: melrosa.irene@gmail.om

Row 3P
David Chow Kee Cheok
14, USJ 11/3P, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-383 8268/5637 3900
email: chowdvd@yahoo.com

Special Committee members
Wong Kee Lee
30, USJ 11/3F, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-269 8623
email: klwong52@cosultant.com

Eng Peng Hong
52, USJ 11/3F, 47620 Subang Jaya
Contact: 012-278 7112/5638 8619
email: engph@streamyx.com

Peggy Lim
82, USJ 11/3D, 47600 Subang Jaya
Contact: 019-234 9978

Road safety talk by Dr. Leong

Dear USJ Neighbour,

Road accident is a threat to every neighbourhood and community. Over 6,000 people die on Malaysian roads each year. Another 9,000 suffer serious injuries from road accidents which often result in physical disability, trauma, loss of employment and lasting pain, suffering and financial burden to the family. About 20,000 incur minor injuries, not to mention losses due to damages to vehicles and road infrastructures. The cost to society is enormous. We can and should do something about this.

On behalf of the Transportation & Logistics Program at the Malaysia University of Science & Technology (MUST), we wish to invite you to our Road Safety Seminar on Monday 28 July 2008. The theme is "Working Together to Save Lives: Exploring Opportunities in Road Safety." Admission is free. Please help us extend this invitation to your colleagues and friends.

Speakers in this seminar will outline the issue, challenges and opportunities for small businesses, large corporations, local government authorities, research institutions, universities and local communities to participate. People and organisations can get involved in saving lives as a commercial business or as voluntary community work. The seminar will also discuss the types of funding that can be explored and raised to finance road safety ideas and activities. This will also be a seminar to get feedback and recommendations from concerned participants.

The brochure is attached. (Please read below for attachment). You can also register online at: http://www.must.edu.my/roadsafety/register.php or email your details to roadsafetyseminar@must.edu.my.

Thank you and warmest regards.

Choon Heng

Leong Choon Heng PhD
Associate Professor
Malaysia University of Science & Technology

Dear Residents,

Sorry for not being able to put attachment with this posting as it is in an incompatible format, that is, pdf. But please do respond to Dr. Leong if you are interested and he can send you the details. You can reach him at chleong@must.edu.my.


Update at 19 July 2008

Dear Residents,

Again, sorry for not having posted anything for the last week as I have been extremely tied up. But this is the weekend so here I am! Firstly, I have posted an email that was sent to me by Ken, his story below.

I have also added Michael Chow and MN Adrian as authors to this blog so they will also contribute some of their thoughts and experiences. In this case, you will get to read many things rather than just from me alone! Thank you Mike and Adrian. I still have room for more. So how about some ladies? If you do not know how to use the blogging tools, you can either just send me an email/article or if I can find the time, I can show you how to do it. Any takers?

Please read Ken's email below - very interesting indeed.

Cheers all

Posting from Ken

Story from Ken....

Hi Jeff

I attended the morning eleven trees gathering on 6th but had left early due to some business appointment.

I appreciate the initiative and works of the pro tem commitee in organising this dialogue on gated community. Gated community is something we need to have due to the deteriorating security in our neighborhood if not in the country. However, as put up bluntly by YB Hannah Yeoh, this is extremely difficult to get the cooperation from majority of the neighbours, which I totally agree based on my past experience as a committee member of a Resident Association in organising the gated neighborhood.

Well living in USJ11/3 for 12 years. I had my share of the interesting life here. Just to share with you my wife was robbed on a saturday 10am when she was taking an innocent leisure walk with my 2 children to the shops behind (Kai Sin Coffee shop). That was 12 years ago when we first moved here, not many had moved in yet during those time and it was those indonesian workers that were still working around here. Life become more interesting in 2005 to 2007.

My neighbours No.57, USJ11/3D, Mr.Lim lost a Wira, then his Waja, both incidents he has his car parked outside.His wife Ms Gan got rubbed off her Camry at 3pm by the Camry gang with parang. The family have had enough and moved out to the gated housing in Kota Kemuning in 2007.

My other neighbor No.58, also lost a car. Also my neighbour No.53 Mr. Yong who is now 11/3D committee member, lost his son's car Wira at 8am one morning.

Oh am I the lucky one being at No.55, I have thought of moving out; also for the safety of my children. Being the end lot, I have 4 lights on at nite. I am lucky to have Mr. Yong as my neighbor who has 3 lights on every nite. That is also why, there are many cars parked at this alley way as it is bright.

But my fear is in the afternoons, as my children are the ones who are only at home. Just hoping Ron, my Tshi Tshu dog, which I keep inside the house, will help to make some noise at home, most of the time he is asleep as he a a pet dog and not a guard dog.

Also last year along 11/3D, a house further down, no. thirty something, lost a Estima at 8pm in 2006 when the Camry gang was active. After hearing the commotion and screams, I run out and witnessed the Estima being driven away at high speed passing my house by the Camry Gang, of course with the Camry gang in another Camry following behind. I don't see that family anymore as I am sure it scared the hell out of the old couple, most probably they had move out.

Talk about snatch thief, beside my wife's experience in 1996, in 2005 to 2007, my daughter's piano teacher was robbed when she came to my house at 3pm for my daughter's piano lesson. Mr.Yong's wife has experienced it. I came across 2 other cases, one in front of my house at 8pm and another at 3pm at the side road (as I have said my house is end lot)

Then there are thieves climbing into the house. In 2007, one thief climbed into my house at 8pm, Mr.Yong saw him. This year, my neighbour No.56 Stanley, had his house ransacked, he was not in but his elder brother happen to come back at 8pm, open the gate and his wife walked into the house with the thief running out. It scared the hell out of her, her back door was pried open. I managed to rewind my CCTV recording and saw a fat man with a brief case acting like saleman pressing his door bell innocently and looking around to see whether he was being watched, after which he climbed in by the side.

A month later, his car was ransacked and again I watched the CCTV and saw a man climbing in by the side.

Well it is dangerous to live along 11/3D. These incidents happened around my house. What about other cases which I don't know. I do hope something well come out of this gated community initative.

Ken Kan

Friday, July 11, 2008

Attempted car hijack at USJ 11/3

I have received a telephone call from Mrs. Tan this afternoon about an attempted car hijacking near the Chatters cafe on Wednesday night, at about 9 p.m.

This is an unconfirmed report but apparently the attempted hijack was carried out by four men armed with parangs. They had tried to hijack a car, driven by a lady who had stopped along the houses and was about to pick up her child from tuition. They had smashed one of the windows and had wanted to drag the lady out of the car. But luckily, she had the good sense to honk continuously which had then attracted a lot of attention from the people nearby. That caused the car hijackers to panic and they then took off without causing further harm.

I have yet to get the full details of this case but once I do, I will update this posting.

After the Resident's Meet...

Dear Residents,

You must be wondering what had happened to all the 'committee' members - who had made all sorts of pledges and claims but have since been very quiet! Well, our apologies, as work kind of got in the way. Okay, let's start updating you - firstly with the meetings planned.

Our Chairman, P.H. Ng, is going to be calling for a meeting for all the committee members soon. It will be held at an approriate time to allow as many of the members as possible to attend. At the same time, some of us were either receiving calls of thanks and emails as well. We are very encouraged by your response and we pledge to do our best. Thank you!

We now have a very 'loose' committee but eventually, we plan to have sub-committees to look into different things such as Social and Sports, Elderly, etc. For one thing, it will lighten up the load of the work needed and the other is to try and engage as many of you as possible while creating the activities for the residents and the families of USJ 11/3. We would like to have a community that we could be proud of!

So, do watch out for more updates here.

Last Tuesday night, Gan, Eng and myself joined in a meeting conducted by the RA of USJ 6. They were having a meeting with the new councillors of MPSJ to resolve the on-going tussle with the developer, who had planned to build a multi-storey commercial building on the land next to the Telekom building in USJ 6.

Anyway, our objective was to get to know our five new councillors who were there for the meeting. We have plans to engage them at some stage, to help us out in our (similar) plight on the development of the small plot of land in the playground of USJ11/3. When and if we get the chance, we will post their names here as well so that you as a resident here will know who is who as far as our councillors are concern. We also had a chance to meet some of the committee members of the Subang Jaya RA. They were all very willing to help us should we need it sometime in the future. To that, we say thank you in advance.

As for the eleven trees that was planted, I must say, you neighbours are fantastic. The trees are being watered everyday! Well done to whoever is doing it so diligently and thank you. Please keep that going. And while you are at it, please remind the kids playing on the basketball court to:

1. Not throw the rubbish everywhere, as there are dustbins readily available
2. Not park their bicycles too near the court as they may accidently run into it during their game and hurt themselves.

Also, I would like to let you know the results for the polls that I have done about the "Concerns for security". Although there were only about 20+ response, the overall poll is 97% of you who are very concern about the security in our area. And rightly so, as the crimes reported have continued to rise in our area. In fact, I did receive another report of thef from Ken which I will have posted onto this blogsite later for you to read.

Lastly, if you are keen to help out on this blog, please send me an email and I will set it up so that you can have access to it. I already have a volunteer and his name is Michael. I will have him added on as one of the authors and you will soon be able to read about his rantings soon.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Resident's meeting @ USJ 11/3

YB Hannah Yeoh addressing the residents of USJ 11/3

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!". This is what we would like to say to all the residents of USJ 11/3 who made the effort to turn up for the Resident's meeting this Sunday morning, 6 July 2008. Indeed, we would like to thank you for coming and making this event a success!

We know all of you have very busy schedules and to spare your Sunday, which is your precious rest day, and sacrifice it for the community is highly commendable. This augurs well for our community living in the USJ 11/3 area.

Also many thanks to our ADUN, Y.B. Hannah Yeoh and her team as well as Y.Bhg. Chief Inspector Foo and his team, for making time to come for this event and to address the residents. Thanks also to our fellow residents from other USJ 11 areas who came along and gave us your moral support as well.

For the benefit of the residents who did not make it, we have now successfully voted in the Office Bearers and Committee members for the intended Resident's Association of USJ 11/3. They will be the ones who will spare their time to serve the residents. This is not about oneself but one community, so getting such fantastic support this morning was indeed very encouraging. The real hard work will now begin...!

We will present the full names and details of the office bearers and the committee members that have been voted in on this blogsite in time to come. In the meantime, if you have any comments, please feel free to post it in as well. .

In addition, I hope to add in a few more authors/contributors who can post some articles into this blogsite. So if you would like to be one such person, please do email your details to me and I will include you in as one of the contributors. It does not have to be just us moms and dads but it can also include your teenage kids as well as we would also like to welcome them to share their ideas and concerns on this blogsite for everyone to read.

Meanwhile, do feel free to email me at dj.jeffkhoo@gmail.com if you have any other suggestions or perhaps some unanswered questions.

Do watch out for the rest of the contact of the committee members and office bearers when I get it from our newly appointed secretary.

Thank you.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

11 Trees planted @ USJ

Mr. Gan watering his tree

At 8 a.m. on Saturday 5 July 2008, 11 trees were planted by the committee members around the basketball court in the USJ 11/3 playground. This symbolizes our area uniquely, as it will be now represented by these 11 cinnamom trees that is, "11 Trees @ USJ". It is also in conjunction with the Residents Meeting taking place on Sunday 6 July 2008 at 9 a.m. Our ADUN, Y.B. Hannah Yeoh will be present to grace the event. She will also top up the soil on one of the trees.

Mr. Ng and Mr. Eng planting the tree

All the trees will be adopted and looked after by the committee members. We hope the people around the area will help us look after the trees such as watering them when you get the chance. For your information, it is strategically planted on both sides (at the back) of the basketball court to shield the players from the sun's rays. We hope the children playing in the area will help look after the trees and the cleanliness of the area.

Removing the plastic bags

On another note, the meeting at MPSJ was cancelled at the last minute, as a result, we did not sufficient time to inform the residents of the cancellation through this blog-site. We do apologise if you did show up and found out that the meeting was cancelled.

Please remember to come and join us for the meeting tomorrow at the USJ 11/3 padang!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Development at USJ 11/3 Padang

Dear Residents,

The developers are back and at it again! In the past, they have proposed to develop a food court, kindergarten, multi storey apartments, office blocks, etc. on this small plot of land. And in all those attempts, the residents living around the area have objected strongly to the proposed development. And now, they are back. They are now attempting to submit a fresh proposal to build 2 1/2 storey semi-detached homes.

As such, there will be a hearing on the proposed semi-D housing development on the USJ 11/3 playground area. It will be held in MPSJ on Friday, 4 July 2008 at 3:30 pm. All concerned residents are advised to attend this important meeting to lend our support in voicing our objection on the development of this piece of land.

Please do inform all your neighbours and please do try to attend.

Thank you.

Resident's Meet @ USJ 11/3 Padang

Dear Residents,

Please do not forget to attend this very important meeting as it will have a lot of impact on our quality of life in our area, especially with regards to security. Below is the agenda:

6 JULY 2008, USJ 11/3 Playground


8:30 AM – Arrival of Guest of Honor/Registration of Residents of USJ 11/3

- YB Hannah Yeoh, ADUN Subang Jaya
- YBhg Police Officer, Subang Jaya (TBA)
- RA USJ President

9:00 AM – Opening Speech by Mr. Ng Peng Hin, Pro-Tem Committee Chairman

9:10 AM – Speech by YB Hannah Yeoh

9:20 AM – Speech by YBhg Police Officer (TBA)

9:30 AM – Nomination & voting in of Committee members

Chairman - 1
Vice Chairman - 1
Treasurer - 1
Vice Treasurer - 1
Secretary - 1
Vice Secretary - 1
Auditors (Internal) - 1
Committee Members - 12

10:15 AM Q&A (Gated/Guarded Community)

10:30 AM – Official Closing Remark

10:45 AM – TREE PLANTING (To be confirmed)

10:30 AM – Refreshment