"Together - Let us keep our neighborhood safe"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hari Kanak Kanak - 22 November 2008

Dear Residents

1. Coloring competition by Nural (Pending confirmation)
2. Balloon Sculpture by the clown
3. Magic Show by the clown
4. Bouncing castles
5. Gardenia Wagon
6. Yeos – Sponsored 45 carton of just tea drinks
7. Yakult – sampling & activities (talk on digestive system) – Pending confirmation
8. Foot Reflexology – (to be confirmed)
9. Foot scan by Adidas confirmed
10. Maestro Swiss – VICO chocolate drink & Activities.
11. Health Screening – by HOPE worldwide (BMI Test, BP, Weight & Height, Glucose Test)
12. Sanofi & Pasteur – Free Flu Vaccine & activity

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