"Together - Let us keep our neighborhood safe"

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Recent Crime reported via SJ Alert

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There was another snatch theft at Ss12/3a at 9:40am yesterday morning(3rd Nov). I saw part of this incident as it happened so fast and could not note down the motocyle number as it was blurr. 2 Tamil boys of medium built wearing a t-shirt on a motorbike attacked a girl who was just about to alight from her car and snatched her gold chain. One guy with a kitchen knife(I saw him holding it) pulled her gold chain(the other was waiting on his motobike) and asked her for her IC which she refused to give(her account).

She screamed and some neighburs came out and shouted and by the time I came out they were riding off. It is very fortunate as they did not stab her as happens when one refuses in some cases. Except for the loss of her chain she was OK. So residents be aware and alert. It happened so fast. It is time the police started checking motorbikes instead of stopping cars at the Kewajipan roundabout.

It is so sad that the police resources are being wasted on no value add and political activites whiles the subjects of Malaysia suffer.

Best Regards
AS Gill+60(12)3112091

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