"Together - Let us keep our neighborhood safe"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It just happened yesterday!

Encik Nik Suhaimi, who was the victim of a break-in yesterday has posted a comment in our blog but I think it deserves prominence so I have decided to publish it out for you to read instead. This is his written comment:

Hi there,

I'm Nik Suhaimi, stays in USJ 11/3,yesterday someone broke into my house i believed it happened during the day time....lucky for me nobody at home or else wouldnt know what would have happened. Went to USJ 8 police station, make a report..We shld all be extra carefull nowadays, according to the officer in charge..i asked how many officers here...he said about 70 and 4 patrol cars...i asked again what are the areas they cover...he said All USJ from 1 to 22..This is too Big an area for only 4 patrol cars to cover...and only 70 officers covering more then 50,000 people in usj "not sure about the figure".

All I am saying is...safety of this neighbourhood depends on merely 4 patrol cars and 70 police man, it's good that we try to help ourselves by putting up gates and guard houses...im asking my 11trees what we can do to help them help US.....maybe hannah yeoh can do something about this...we need more police man and more patrol cars for a start....

Encik Suhaimi,

We are very sorry to hear about what has happened to you. We understand how you feel as most of us in the committee, have in one way or another, experienced this before. Please accept our apologies for not being able to beat the robbers this time but rest assured, the committee members are working as fast as possible to arrest this growing problem in our area.

Unfortunately, there are still some of our neighbours who are extremely negative about what we are trying to do. They are not convinced that such things are actually happening here and that these incidents are merely perceived threats. Some of these sceptics are even trying to sabotage us from going ahead with our plans knowing full well we have your mandate. Well, we are not perturbed or discouraged. We will move ahead with our plans to get this project off the ground as soon as we can, in the interest of every resident here, sceptics included.

I also got another email from one of our committee member, Mr. Liew, who lives in USJ 11/3E. He had send me some information relating to crime on his street of which I would like to share with you. FYI, his brand new car was also stolen a couple of months ago! Here are some of the accounts he came across from his neighbours:

Case 1:

June 08, between 1am - 7am, USJ 11/3E - new car (about 2 months old) stolen from inside car porch. Thieves cut padlock and pry opened auto gate, and broke into the car before driving it away.

Case 2:

April 08 between 8pm - 9pm, USJ 11/3E - house burglared.

Case 3:

August 08 bewteen 10am - 10:30am, USJ 11/3E - 2 masked Chinese man with parang climbed over the gate and gained access to the house, locked lady owner in toilet, ransacked and took a lot of money and valuables away. Luckily no harm came to her.

Case 4:

August 08 (early morning), USJ 11/3E - chain fence cut and Rotweiller dog stolen.

Folks, these are recent incidents which are verifiable, which is only from one street - USJ 11/3E! We have been accused of using scare tactics by publishing cases so as to get the neighbours to join in the fight against crime. That is so ridiculous as the statistics speaks for itself. We should not even tolerate one incident let alone so many that have already happened.

We the committee members, would like to send a strong message to our sceptics that, we are doing this primarily to protect ourselves. There is no other agenda. However, out of this initiative, we hope that there will be positive spin-offs such as a better and more friendly neighbourhood, that reflects a true Malaysian community. And this is for everyone who lives in USJ 11/3, irrespective of our race, beliefs, colour or creed. And for that, we sincerely hope to get your fullest cooperation to make this initiative a success.

Thank you all.

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