Dear Residents,
I have had many calls the last couple of days, especially from our fellow committee members who have told me that most residents have requested the breakdown of the cost which we have indicated in our flyers. Because it was very much a Work-In-Progress, we did not want to show the breakdown. But due to overwhelming request, we have decided to show you how we derive the figures for the costing and post this information for you on our blog-site. But please be reminded that we have not finalised anything yet as we are still in information gathering mode. After gathering all the necessary information from suppliers, etc, it will be presented to the entire committee for consideration before any decisions can be made. Anyway, below are the information required:
1. 24x7 Security Guards:
Five (5) guards in morning and five (5) guards at night - well trained, 2 on constant patrol on motorcycle with flashing yellow lights, to patrol throughout the housing area. Security personnel will be equipped with uniform, whistle, baton, torch light, walkie-talkie and clocking system at check points.
Estimated cost - RM17,000 (include 5% government tax)
2. Mild Steel Boom Gates (Gate point 1 & 2)
Estimated cost - RM4,400 (2 nos.)
3. Drums with Mild Steel Pipe Gate (Gate point 3,4 & 5)
Estimated cost - RM4,500 (8 sets)
4. Guard House at Gate 1 & 2 (8' x 6' x 8 1/2' @ RM2,025 per set)
Estimated cost - RM4,500
5. Wiring works to Guard House at Gate 1 & 2 + installation spot light
Estimated cost - RM1,300
We hope you will now have a better idea on how we came about with our estimated cost. Please be informed that, should there be any excess funds, it will be put in a sinking fund to be used in other community projects, such as gathering for all residents during major festivals, etc.
We are also working out the cost of implementing the perimeter fencing project which we hope to carry out by the end of the year but that would very much depend on the the availability of funds.
By the way, the committee members will be meeting again this coming Friday evening to address some of the issues and to move forward with the plans. If you have any concerns or maybe better ideas or suggestion, we would like to invite you to come and meet with us. It will be at Chatters at 9:30 pm on Friday, September 5, 2008.
Thank you.
Yes, well done! This definitely gives us a good idea. Good enough at this stage!
First of all, I'd like to thank members of the committee for an outstanding job done so far. I admire your resilience and persistence while addressing all the difficult questions being hurled at you...... I am sure you will not be able to please everyone, there will certainly be teething problems when you implement the security system but if we all stay patient, give this a try I am sure we will work this out together both residents and committee.
Kind Regards,
Dear Committee members,
Firstly I would like to thanks all the hard work you guys had put in for the community. I do not write specifically to anyone but instead to all of you as one entity because I think unity will bring us closer.
Anywhere, I have a few question for you guys.
Firstly, the legal aspect of closing the area to outsider, especially customer to the shoplots.
2. How are the guards hold the driving license overnight for the tenants or visitors?
3. You have 2 gates (1 & 2) which allow entry and exit, how can the visitor remember which entry point? 4. Gate 1 & 2 may not be the ideal point of entry / exit. For those people who want to go to Taipan or SUMMIT, which are the most frequent place to visit is too problematic to enter to Jalan Perpaduan, the only option is through Jalan USJ11/6, then Jalan USJ11/5, then Persiaran Bakti. Have you consider Gate 2 and 4 as main entry / exit? Can visitor pass be given with record of identity only and can exit in either gates?
5. The last survey done without considering Tenants, can they be included as well as shoplots owners and tenants?
Bye now and I can be contacted at 012-3937163 or email or
Regards and Thank You for the work done,
Vincent Neng
Hey Vincent,
Don't mind me, but IMHO, I strongly suggest you or anyone to post your mobile number and email address online! If you must, hide it a little. EG- instead of 016, spell it out Zero One Six.
For email, instead of, try me _at_ yahoo dot com.
This is to prevent bots (software by spammers) from mining data and eventually sending the victim tonnes of junk mail.
Do be careful online too!
First of all ,I'd like to thank members of the committee for putting up this project.I understand the initial cost of starting such a project. I would like to get a more clearer picture of the disbursement on the monthly fees.
I agree with Mr.Jefrrey Khoo, why should a resident living among us want to remain Anonymous. I am sure the Anonymous has a name.
Looking forward to your answer.
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